
about-logo “The Google of the Semiconductor Industry”

Founded in 2011, AnySilicon is the best way to explore, find and contact semiconductor service providers and IP vendors online.

Our vision is to be the first place ASIC engineers and decision makers go to search for semiconductor service providers and IP core vendors. In addition to that, AnySiliconoffers a wealth of knowledge and best practices including technical articles and newsto help users gain knowledge that will allow them make smaller and cheaper chips.

AnySilicon是独特的半导体和IP服务marketplace that covers all domains starting from ASIC design to production and also an IP portal to help ASIC decision makers find the best partner with the right solution, best cost and shortest time to market.

For semiconductor services companies & IP vendors, AnySilicon acts as an online marketing channel to showcase offering, branding, increase exposure and lead generation. Please join our platformhere.

Download our company presentationhere. Download our logohere.